- August 30, 2023: Farewell to postdoc Dr. Lauren Murray, and congratulations on receiving an ARC DECRA! We look forward to amazing work from your group at Monash!
- August 23, 2023: Dr. Evan Romero defended his thesis today! Amgen is lucky to have you!
- July 26, 2023: Alison was a finalist for the Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists!
- June 8, 2023: We'll miss Dr. Sarah Ackenhusen, but congratulations on a successful Ph.D. defense! You'll do amazing things in DC as an ACS Public Policy Fellow!
- May 1, 2023: Welcome to Katelyn, Erica, and Brian, our new graduate students!
- April 28, 2023: Undergraduate Nick Cemalovic graduated today! We look forward to seeing you thrive at Cornell!
- April 14, 2023: Congratulations to Katie Jane for receiving an Exceptional Service Award from the Chemistry department, and to Katie Jane and Chad for receiving Summer Research Fellowships!
- April 7, 2023: Fondest farewells to Dr. Jonathan Perkins after a successful Ph.D. defense! Best of luck at Abbvie!
- March 29, 2023: Well done to Katie Jane, Alex, and Nick for earning NSF-GRFP Honorable Mentions!
- March 15, 2023: Congratulations to Sarah C. and José for receiving NIH-F31 fellowships!
- February 22, 2023: Three cheers each for Alex and Luke for passing their candidacy exams!
- February 8, 2023: Katie Jane is the newest PhD candidate in the lab!
- February 6, 2023: Welcome to new postdoc Dr. Phil Gemmel!
- February 6, 2023: Hip hip hooray, Gonzalo passed Gateway and is now a PhD Candidate!
- December 1, 2022: Gonzalo received a Rackham International Student Fellowship! Well done!
- November 14, 2022: Alison received the Mid-career Biosciences Faculty Achievement Recognition Award (MBioFAR)! Congratulations!
- September 1, 2022: Congratulations to Tessa on receiving an NIH-F31 fellowship, and to Casey on receiving an NIH-F32 fellowship!
- August 12, 2022: Wonderful posters by Luke and José, who won best poster awards at the Karle Symposium!
- June 30, 2022: Amazing presentations from graduate students Brooke Dunnery and Katie Jane Torma won best poster awards at the ACS National Organic Symposium!
- June 10, 2022: Three cheers for Dr. Kevin Skinner, who defended his thesis today!
- May 16, 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Lara Zetzsche on a successful thesis defense!
- May 1, 2022: Welcome to Alex, Katie Jane, Gonzalo, Brooke, and Luke, the newest graduate students in the lab!
- April 20, 2022: Farewell to postdoc Dr. Suman Chakrabarty, and best of luck at Incyte!
- April 14, 2022: Well done to José, who successfully passed his gateway exam!
- April 4 2021: Congratulations to Anthony for receiving an NSF GRFP!
- March 28, 2021: Undergrad Nick Cemalovic received a Goldwater Scholarship!
- March 16, 2022: Anthony successfully passed his gateway exam!
- January 3, 2022: Welcome to Drs. Roger Diehl and Casey Roos, the newest postdocs in the lab!
- December 16, 2021: Congratulations Dr. Jessica Yazarians for defending her thesis!
- December 1. 2021: Congratulations Alison on her promotion to Mary Sue Coleman Collegiate Professor!
- September 26, 2021: Congratulations Alison for receiving the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award!
- September 1. 2021: Welcome Dr. Allie Golliher, the newest postdoc in the lab!
- March 25, 2019: Lara is awarded a Rackham Internship for this summer!
- March 11, 2019: Lara and Jonathan have passed their candidacy exams. Nice work!
- March 1, 2019: Huge congratulations to April and Summer on being awarded prestigious Rackham predoctoral fellowships!!
- January 24, 2019: Congrats to Summer for being recognized with a Merck WCC Research Award!
- January 21, 2019: Summer’s review on flavoproteins in synthesis has been published as a part of Tetrahedron’s special issue on biocatalysis in organic synthesis. Nice work, Summer!
- January 9, 2019: Jennie Lin and Evan Romero have joined us for a rotation, welcome to the group!
- January 5, 2019: Alison was recognized as a 2019 Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardee, congrats to her and the rest of the young investigators recognized!
- January 4, 2019: Check out April’s review on natural products that bind to voltage-gated sodium channels.
- December 20, 2018: Congrats to Attabey and Alison for being awarded the inaugural LSI Outreach Awards. Boom!
- September 18, 2018: Katie Rykaczewski and Gabriel González, from the Chemistry department, are joining us for the Fall. Welcome!!
- September 7, 2018: Congrats to April, Duncan and Meagan on their paper in JACS, "C–H hydroxylation in paralytic shellfish toxin biosynthesis"
- September 4, 2018: Sarah Ackenhusen from the Program in Chemical Biology (PCB) started her fall rotation. Welcome!
- July 30, 2018: Stephanie was awarded that Knowles Award for the best graduate student poster at the 2018 Enzymes, Coenzymes and Metabolic Pathways Gordon Research Conference. Wow! Congrats, Stephanie.
- July 12, 2018: Di Yang visiting student from Nanjing University joined for the fall. Welcome!!
- July 9, 2018: Congrats to the newest cohort in the Cellular Biotechnology Training Program at U of M, which includes our very own Lara Zetzsche!
- June 26, 2018: Derek and Shuri are joining us for the summer. Welcome!
Narayan Lab News & Announcements

May 17, 2018: Carolyn and Summer are headed to Merck for the summer. Go get it, ladies!

May 1, 2018: Brian graduates with his Master of Science degree in Chemistry. Good luck in Kentucky!

April 27, 2018: Our third class officially joins the lab — welcome, Duncan, Sam, Jonathan and Lara! Congrats also to all our second year students for passing the candidacy exam. Narayan lab is ready for summer!
- April 3, 2018: Second-year graduate student, Jessica Yazarians, was awarded an NSF graduate research fellowship!!
- March 30, 2018: Undergraduate researcher, Carolyn Suh, was awarded a prestigious Goldwater Fellowship. Congrats, Carolyn!!
- February 8, 2018: Congrats to Stephanie, Meagan and Meredith on their paper characterizing the first enzyme involved in saxitoxin biosynthesis. Read it in JACS!
- January 9, 2018: Wow! Stephanie King's artwork was selected for the cover of the February issue of Nature Chemistry, congrats, Stephanie!
- January 3, 2018: Samantha Kelly, Jonathan Perkins and Duncan Ellinwood, just got started in the lab. WELCOME!!
- November 13, 2017: Huge congrats to Summer, April and Marc on the publication of their work in Nature Chemistry! http://rdcu.be/yqOo
- September 16, 2017: With the addition of Marianne from Chemistry, the fall rotator team is complete! Looking forward to a great semester.
- September 7, 2017: Lara and Meredith, our Program in Chemical Biology rotation students, just got started in the lab. WELCOME!
- September 5, 2017: First day of the new semester, and we are excited to welcome our favorite undergrads back to campus and the lab! We are looking at you, Carolyn, Matt and Talis. Looking forward to a great year.
- August 13, 2017: Congrats to April, Attabey and Stephanie who were all awarded GAANN Fellowships.
- July 28, 2017: Congrats to Attabey, the newest NIH Chemistry Biology Interface Trainee!!
- June 1, 2017: We are excited to welcome Gloria, Sam, James and Jonathan to the group for a summer rotation.
- May 5, 2017: Congrats to Tyler on passing his candidacy exam! Narayan class #1 is 4 for 4!!!
- April 2017: An official welcome to the graduate students joining the group: Attabey, Jessica, Josh and Kevin!
- March 27, 2017: Congrats to Stephanie on passing her candidacy exam with flying colors!
- March 23, 2017: Thanks to the Klatskin-Sutker Discovery Fund for supporting our research!
- March 17, 2017: Congrats to Tyler on his NSF fellowship! Wow!
- March 15, 2017: Congrats to Summer on passing her candidacy exam!!!
- March 14, 2017: Congrats to April on passing her candidacy exam!!! Our first Ph.D. cadidate.
- January 2017: Welcome to our winter rotation students: Jessica, Matt and Kevin and our new undergrads Talis and Matt P.!
- November 2016: Congrats to the FEMMES team on an excellent Capstone event!
- September 2016: Welcome to our new postdoc, Priyanka Bajaj- joining us from Rudi Fasan's lab- and our Fall rotation students: Attabey, Sam, Marc and Evan!
- August 21, 2016: Alison is recognized by C&EN as one of the Talented 12, http://talented12.cenmag.org/, a group of the brightest young chemical scientists!
- June 23, 2016: Brian Carlson, a rising U of M senior, joins the lab. Welcome, Brian!
- June 6, 2016: We are looking forward to working with several new faces over the summer: Josh Pyser and Mark Gleason, incoming Chemistry graduate students; Attabey Rodriguez-Benitez, incoming Program in Chemical Biology graduate student; and, Xaimara Santiago Maldonado, Chemistry REU student. Wecome!
- May 1, 2016: Carolyn Suh, a rising U of M sophomore, joins the lab!
- April 18, 2016: April, Stephanie, Summer and Tyler officially join the lab and become the first class of students!!
- February 12, 2016: Welcome to the new students rotating through the lab: Summer, Jamie, Kevin, April, Tyler and Stephanie!
- September 21, 2015: Liz joins the lab for a fall rotation! Welcome, Liz!
- September 8, 2015: The lab welcomes Adrian, Megan and Seth as rotation students from the Program in Chemical Biology!!
- July 1, 2015: Equipment is arriving! Manifolds are up in the hoods and beautiful new pipettes at every bench, it is game time.
- May 2015: The Narayan Lab is looking for motivated undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows interested in innovative biocatalysis research. Positions are available starting in the fall of 2015. Please contact Alison directly at [email protected]
- March 20, 2015: The Narayan Biocatalysis Lab is coming soon to the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute and Department of Chemistry!!