Image-Based High-Throughput Screening
Image-based HTS (using IXM) allows phenotypic analysis of small molecule and siRNA screens. These assays can be performed in multiwell plates with kinetic or endpoint reads. Analysis of images is user-defined, automatic, and multi-parameter.
Compound High-Throughput Screening (HTS)
- >200,000 small molecules (diversity sets)
- Kinase activity libraries
- Bioactive collections (clinically tested)
- Drug-like compound library
- >45,000 natural product extracts (novel collection)
RNA Interference High-Throughput Screening
- Dharmacon siGenome SMARTpool library:
- Human Genome siRNA set targets 18,200 genes, 68 source plates, 384-well format
- Druggable targets, Subset targets, 3520 genes, 96- or 384-well format
- Mouse Genome siRNA set targets 16,873 genes, 63 source plates, 384-well format