- Are Lake Erie's algae blooms home to the next pharmaceutical drug? Some scientists think so, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 8
- How video game tech, AI, and computer vision help decode animal pain and behavior, Popular Science, Jan. 10
- Sensor protein explains how mice—and maybe people—know it’s cold, Science Magazine, Mar. 14

Select Media Mentions
- Extra gene stymies neurons in mice models of Down syndrome, Futurity, Apr. 24
- How much of a role does genetics play in obesity?, National Geographic, May 9 (Roger Cone quoted)
- New enzyme catalyzes biaryl cross-coupling reactions, C&EN, Mar. 7
- Researchers uncover novel insights into rare genetic condition, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, June 2
- Nature is the world’s original pharmacy – returning to medicine’s roots could help fill drug discovery gaps, The Conversation, July 27
- Brain punching nanobodies could treat Parkinson's and dementia, SyFy, Aug. 7
- New fluorination technology increases therapeutic value of natural compounds, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, Aug. 9
- Hormone secreted by fat cells could be used to treat liver tumours, mice study shows, BBC Science Focus, Aug. 15
- This scientist studies microbes found in Peru's Boiling River, National Geographic, Aug. 16
- How COVID-19 has changed the culture of science, C&EN, Jan. 25 (Alison Narayan quoted)
- Drug helps fight obesity linked to certain genetic conditions, Fox 5 New York, Feb.23 (Roger Cone quoted)
- For the first time, UM names academic building after a woman, The Detroit News, Mar. 25 (Roger Cone quoted)
- Is this protein a target for eating disorder drugs?, Futurity, Arp. 27
- Tiny worms 'hear' without an eardrum, surprising scientists, National Geographic, Oct. 4
- The brain sensor discovery behind humans getting taller, BBC News, Nov. 4
- ‘We need a people’s cryo-EM.’ Scientists hope to bring revolutionary microscope to the masses, Science, Jan. 23 (Melanie Ohi quoted)
- Snappy Acronyms Generate Excitement for Science (SAGES), The Scientist, Feb. 5 (Wenjing Wang quoted)
- Tick Tock. Should we stop the tenure clock?, C&EN, June 1 (Alison Narayan quoted)
- Chemists #ShutDownSTEM to reflect on diversity in science, C&EN, June 9 (Alison Narayan quoted)
- Key signals kickstart fat-burning in mice, Futurity, June 17
- Cosmic squared, SBGRid Consortium, June 27 (interview with Michael Cianfrocco)
- This is how your brain knows how to make you sigh, according to science, Ladders, Aug. 7, 2020
- Mapping extreme microbes in the Amazon's Boiling River, Science Friday, Aug. 7, 2020
- How a 'shoddy' Bannon-backed paper on coronavirus origins made its way to an audience of millions, CNN, Oct. 21, 2020 (Anna Mapp and graduate student Amanada Peiffer quoted)
- U-M researcher named Saudi Arabia’s first Rhodes Scholar, Michigan Radio, Jan. 11
Treatments for obesity could be in the works after scientists discover a hormone that stops the body from burning fat, Daily Mail (UK), Jan. 15 (Lin lab)
- Concerned citizens question water quality in Adrian, WXYZ Detroit, Feb. 20 (David Sherman quoted)
- Charting a Course for Chemistry, Nature Chemistry, Mar. 22 (Alison Narayan quoted)
- Revealing how enzymes turn a toxin into a potential painkiller, Chemical & Engineering News, Apr. 23 (Narayan lab)
- Anorexia stems from body as well as mind — study, BBC News, Jul. 15 (Cone lab)
- Remember brown fat? We may finally know why it's so darn good for you, Popular Science, Aug. 21 (Jun Wu quoted)
- 'Blueprint' offers cell-by-cell peek at the liver, Futurity, Aug. 9 (Lin lab)
- Cold-sensing protein identified in skin: Study, Xinhua News, Sep. 3 (S. Xu lab)
- How fungi create compounds that promise new drugs, Futurity, Sep. 25 (Sherman and Smith labs)
- Structural biologists learning cryo-electron microscopy can access educational resources powered by AWS, AWS Government, Education and Nonprofits Blog (Cianfrocco, guest post)
- A scientific breakthrough may lead to an effective anti-obesity drug, CNBC, Feb. 7 (Roger Cone quoted)
- University of Michigan researchers: Clues to aging found in stem cells' genomes, Click On Detroit, Feb. 13 (Yamashita lab)
- How bacteria build a deadly toxin, Nature News Highlights, Feb. 19 (Narayan lab)
- Brain-gut communication demonstrates how organs work together to regulate lifespan: study, Xinhua News, March 1 (S. Xu lab)
- Eat Yourself to Live: Autophagy's Role in Health and Disease, The Scientist, March 1 (Klionsky lab)
- ‘Junk’ DNA Essential to Holding Genome Together, Geek.com, April 12 (Yamashita lab)
- Mixtures of liver enzymes improve drug leads, Chemical & Engineering News, April 17 (Alison Narayan quoted)
- The Threat that Never Sleeps: Can Science Stop Superbugs?, The Michigan Engineer, Spring 2018 issue (David Sherman featured)
- Receptor proteins that respond to nicotine may help fat cells burn energy: study, Xinhua News, May 21 (Wu lab)
- Turning Microbes into Medicines, Michigan Alumnus, Spring 2018 issue (David Sherman featured)
- Study links mutation that disrupts DNA's electrical signaling to colon cancer, Xinhua News, June 19 (Sherman lab)
- 2 proteins show promise as targets for treating obesity, FierceBiotech, Aug. 22 (Cone lab)
A Molecular Reason Why Obese People Have Trouble Losing Weight, Scientific American, Aug. 23 (Cone lab)
- In search of stability: As funding sources shift, academic drug discovery centers push into clinical development, Chemical & Engineering News, March 27 (Vince Groppi quoted)
- Your muscles like the 'taste' of sugar, too, Mother Nature Network, May 12 (Lin lab)
- A year in the life of a new professor, Chemical & Engineering News, May 17 (Alison Narayan featured)
- Two teams solve structure of elusive diabetes drug target, Chemical & Engineering News, June 6 (Skiniotis lab)
- New technique gives researchers a near-atom-level view of enzyme’s role in correcting misfolded proteins, ALS News Today, June 28 (Southworth lab)
- University faculty uncover how yeast cells react to stress, discover implications for humans, Michigan Daily, July 2 (Weisman lab)
- Could a 30-year-old asthma drug lead to a new treatment for diabetes?, FierceBiotech, July 5 (Saltiel lab)
- Whale diet & genetics, AAAS Science Update podcast, July 24 (Cone lab)
- New magic mushroom discovery could reveal how to make your own drugs, Newsweek, Aug. 17 (David Sherman quoted)
- U-M Life Sci Institute looks ahead with $150M initiative, symposium, Xconomy, Sept. 4
- Chilled proteins and 3-D images: The cryo-electron microscopy technology that just won a Nobel Prize, The Conversation, Oct. 4 (Michael Cianfrocco & Melanie Ohi)
- TWiV 465: Theodora the explorer, This Week In Virology podcast, Oct. 29 (Smith lab)
- Hormone loss prevents obesity and diabetes in mice, The Scientist, Nov. 6 (Roger Cone quoted)
- Fat hormone Nrg4 may hold key to new treatments of fatty liver disease: study, Xinhua News, Nov. 7 (Lin lab)
- Previously rejected mechanism could unlock clues to nicotine dependence, FierceBiotech, Nov. 10 (S. Xu lab)
- Chemists conquer oxidative dearomatization with trio of enzymes, Chemical & Engineering News, Nov. 17 (Narayan lab)
- Cinnamon may help attack fat, fight obesity, study finds, USA Today, Nov. 25 (Wu lab)
- Turning to the ocean to tackle antibiotic resistance, Popular Science, Feb. 23 (Sherman lab)
University researchers reveal key protein structure for cancer spread, Michigan Daily, April 24 (Tesmer lab)
- This giant X-ray machine helped decode one of the Zika virus' secrets, Chicago Tribune, July 26 (Smith lab)
- Michigan researchers find new clues to unlocking Zika virus, Michigan Radio (NPR), July 27 (Smith lab)
- How your smartphone may help find a cure for Zika, Mashable, July 29 (Janet Smith quoted)
- Greenland shark may live 400 years, smashing longevity records, Science, Aug. 11 (Shawn Xu quoted)
These mesmerizing paper sculptures explore nature’s mirrored structures, Smithsonian, Aug. 22 (Daniel Klionsky quoted)
- How the Internet of cells has biologists buzzing, Nature news feature, Sept. 20 (Yukiko Yamashita featured)
- C&EN's Talented 12, Chemical & Engineering News, Aug. 22 (Alison Narayan featured)
Medicine Nobel for research on how cells 'eat themselves', Nature, Oct. 3 (Daniel Klionsky mentioned)
- Even without eyes, these roundworms sense light up to 100 times better than humans, Science, Nov. 17 (S. Xu lab)
- Can animals "taste" light?, CBS News, Nov. 21 (S. Xu lab)
New class of photoreceptor discovered in C. elegans, The Scientist, Nov. 22 (S. Xu lab)
- UM's new medicines center gets new director, Detroit News, Feb. 23
- Why the cold winter may have been good for you weight-wise, Washington Post, March 23 (Jun Wu quoted)
- Could bananas cure AIDS? New drug made from the fruit can kill viruses including hepatitis C and flu, Daily Mail (UK), Oct. 22 (Center for Structural Biology)
- Steroid eye drops reverse cataracts in mice, Science, Nov. 5 (Gestwicki lab)
- Eye drops show promise treating cataracts, and even reversing damage, Chemistry World, Nov. 6 (Gestwicki lab)
- Carry on luggage, The Scientist, Dec. 1 (Weisman lab)
- Autopaghy: eat thyself, sustain thyself, Nature Methods technology feature, December (Daniel Klionsky featured)