Annual Symposium
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM | September 15, 2017
Saltiel Life Sciences Symposium 2017
Forum Hall, Palmer Commons
This is a public event.
Game Changers: Technologies That Are Rewriting the Future of the Life Sciences

Karl Deisseroth, M.D., Ph.D.
Stanford University & Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Mary Sue and Kenneth Coleman Life Sciences Lecture: "Nature’s Gift: How the Discovery of Structural Principles in a Microbial Protein Helped Illuminate the Pathophysiology of Psychiatry"

David R. Walt, Ph.D.
Wyss Institute at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School & Howard Hughes Medical Institute
"Single Molecules and Single Cells: Probing Chemistry and Biology at Their Fundamental Limit"

Philipp Keller, Ph.D.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Research Campus
"Whole-Animal Imaging with High Spatio-Temporal Resolution"

Daniela Nicastro, Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
"Probing the Molecular Organization of Cells and Organelles Using Cryo-Electron Microscopy"

George Church, Ph.D.
Wyss Institute at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, MIT
"Engineering Sub-nm, Organs & Ecosystem"